India Fest

It’s always interesting to learn about the ethnicities that make up the great American melting pot. The India Fest on November 16 offers an opportunity to become more familiar with various aspects of this Asian culture.

[caption id="attachment_1218" align="alignleft" width="260"]india-fest via The Virginia Pilot[/caption]

Head over to the Virginia Beach Convention Center for a day of fun and enlightenment that will include yoga demonstrations, Bollywood dances and music along with displays of designer fashions and jewelry. You can also sample Indian cuisine and participate in a talent and lego contest. A bazaar of products from the country will be available, so the shopping experience should be interesting. The hours are from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Mary’s Restaurant

When you’re looking for an eatery with reasonable prices and a beach vibe, we recommend Mary’s Restaurant. The comfort food will warm the cockles of your heart, and the friendly people will make you feel like you’re part of a big family. Located six blocks from the boardwalk, the enterprise is very popular with the locals. It offers daily specials and is open for breakfast and lunch. Don’t leave without having a giant slice of homemade cake. The quality of the menu items have earned Mary’s many loyal customers.

Stay With Us

Come stay at Virginia Beach KOA and explore this fabulous city on the Atlantic Coast. You’ll find much to do at the park and in the community year-round. Reserve your spot at our website, or call 800-562-4150 for more information.
